D) 根据TKOMV整理XKOMV定价过程结果内表
Program: LV61AA58
Build XKOMV from TKOMV *
--> KOMT1 pricing procedure *
--> TKOMV complete table of conditions *
<-- XKOMV internal table of conditions *
E) 定价过程内表的计算(处理Formula,subtotal,base value ...)
Program: LV61AA55
Calculate on internal table of conditions *
--> PREISFINDUNGSART pricing type *
--> KOMK header communication structure *
<-> KOMP item communication structure *
<-> XKOMV internal table of conditions *
<-> GKOMV table of group conditions pricing type F only *
--> GKOMZ table of group cond indeces pricing type F only *
小计/计算类型/基础类型 在这里被处理. 可参考 SAP NOTES: 900089,有详细描述处理逻辑.
F) 根据表T684的记录,执行定价排斥
Program: LV61AA56
可参考 SAP NOTES: 836243
Program: LV61AA42
Transfer XKOMV to TKOMV *
--> XKOMV table document conditions *
<-- TKOMV table all document conditions *
4) 有关定价的一些SAP NOTES.
1165078 Authorization check for conditions or subtotals
1007110 How is the KWERT determined in a subtotal?
836243 How condition exclusion works in R/3
791944 How is the KBETR determined in a subtotal?
485740 Conditions with fixed amount in copy activities
201830 Calculation of the net price of an item
154529 Pricing in the delivery
130417 Pricing preparation in billing document (user exit)
92090 Exclusion indicator KZNEP
67958 Mode of operation of the condition exclusion
41490 Condition exclusion (KZNEP)
24832 Pricing rules / TVCPF
18173 Minimum order value
900089 Pricing: Processing steps FORM XKOMV_BEWERTEN
363212 'Pricing analysis' mode of operation
至此,SAP的定价过程基本就结束了. 希望大家批评指正,一起完善.