data: l_period(6) type n.
data: g_cols type i , " number of columns
g_rows type i, " Number of Lines
g_dc(5) type c, " Date format
g_count type n, "Period Value Count
g_sta_col(6) type i. "Start Column
move g_sta_col to l_period.
move g_sta_col to wa_colno.
move wa_colno to wa_flname.
concatenate g_dc wa_colno into wa_flname.
Set up fieldvalue
read table it_total
with key matnr = gk_final_ok-plantno customerno = gk_final_ok-customerno+gk_final_ok-custcolor spmon = l_period.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
fieldvalue = it_total-kwmeng.
fieldvalue = ''.
read table it_total
with key matnr = gk_final_ok-plantno customerno = gk_final_ok-customerno+gk_final_ok-custcolor spmon = l_period.