when use TC 'SNRO' to Configuration the number range object,we can use a 'Sub-object data elements' to have a Sub-control . like Configure the scope of accounting documents,only one object,configure all
company code. you can use 'SNRO' to see the object 'RF_BELEG',it use 'BUKRS' as a 'Sub-object data elements' ...now,we have a Similar demand, want to use Profit Center('CEPC-PRCTR' ) as a 'Sub-object data elements' ,but 'CEPC-PRCTR' is longer than 6, can't save...
if This path not work,i have to create a lot's of number range object for each profit center, we have more than 24 kinds of documents
anybody have a good idear ? please help me,thanks a lot.